Welcome to the machine

by Pink Floyd

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:57 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Wish You Were Here

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61 KB




Wel-come my son, wel-come to the ma-chine. Where have you been? It's all-right we know where you've been. You've been in the pipe-line, fill-ing in time, pro-vi-ded with toys and scou-ting for bo-ys. You bought a gui-tar to pu-nish your ma. You di-dn't like school, and you know you're no-bo-dy's fo- ol. So wel-come to the ma-chine. Wel-come my son, wel-come to the ma-chine. What did you dream? It's all-right, we told you what to dream. You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean gui-tar. He all-ways ate in the steak bar. He loved to drive in his Ja-gu-ar. So wel-come to the ma-chine.


Revised the existing tab, added lyrics and keyboard solo. -Matija